Wine Industry Videos

  • Wine Sales 101

    Wine Sales 101

    Discover how the big boys get over on the competition in the highly competitive wine sales game....
  • Soil science produces better tasting wine

    Soil science produces better tasting wine

    What could make a more flavorful wine? The answer might be in composting food waste. Bob Shaffer is an agronomist who consults for Napa and Sonoma county vineyards. Through scientific soil analysis, he is able to determine what is deficient in the soil and bring it back to balance through sustainabl...
  • Wine caves: Going green, by going underground

    Wine caves: Going green, by going underground

    William Jarvis built his winery underground so he wouldn't pollute the natural environment with large winery tanks and buildings. Among the sustainable technologies his business relies on are in-cave LED lights, an underground waterfall that acts as a wine barrel humidifier, and an above ground sola...
  • Dan Berger: Mega Purple in the wine production

    Dan Berger: Mega Purple in the wine production

    Mega Purple is a product that is widely used in the wine industry to darken the color of red wines. Most consumers know little or nothing about it, and the overuse of Mega Purple and similar products can change the flavor and aroma of wines. Dan Berger, Wine Press Northwest columnist, explains how M...
  • Beer v. wine: Which is the real energy drink?

    Beer v. wine: Which is the real energy drink?

    UC Davis: In recent years, researchers have learned that there just might be sound science behind what was once thought to be mere folk medicine regarding the health benefits of beer and wine. In this fall 2007 episode of UC Davis "Frontiers," two UC Davis experts in the science of winemaking and br...


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