Wine Industry News

  • Wine names get quirky

    NAPA - Want to drink in Chaos Theory? Or perhaps you'd care to give your palate an Educated Guess? We're talking wines, of course, specifically a new breed of quirkily named wines that aim to make you think while you drink. "I'm a big believer in the theater of the mind," says Jerry Prial, who decid...
  • Ingredient in red wine may prevent some blinding diseases

    Resveratrol — found in red wine, grapes, blueberries, peanuts and other plants — stops out-of-control blood vessel growth in the eye, according to vision researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The discovery has implications for preserving vision in blinding eye dis...
  • Starbucks shop tries wine, 'coffee theater'

    As experiments go, this one isn't flashy. But the success — or failure — of one Starbucks cafe on the edge of a trendy Seattle neighborhood could ripple through the nation's coffee house industry.Because where Starbucks goes, others follow. Dubbed "Olive Way," the store is the biggest percolato...
  • Oregon's wine industry faces prospect of lower-priced future

    Longtime Oregon winemaker Linda Lindsay huddled with her sales team last July, trying to figure out how to avoid the snares of an industry in free-fall around her. Recession-choked sales, reduced distribution opportunities and a looming oversupply of both grapes and finished wine had Lindsay, along ...
  • Solutions for Eastern Winegrowers

    Lancaster, Penn. -- A one-day workshop held May 27 in Lancaster attracted an audience from 13 states and Ontario. Organized by Mark L. Chien, statewide viticulture extension educator at the Penn State Cooperative Extension, the workshop addressed the sticky issues of sustainable, organic and Biodyna...
  • Diageo Signs Sale, Leaseback Wine Deal In US

    Global drinks giant Diageo PLC said Thursday that it has signed a sale and leaseback deal involving some of its land and facilities in Napa Valley, California, valued at approximately $260 million, part of the global drinks firm's ongoing review of its wine operations.The assets will be purchased an...
  • Northwest Wineries Retrench

    Walla Walla, Wash. -- Growth may have come to an end for the Washington wine industry, with the number of bonded premises in the state listed in the Wines & Vines Industry Base dropping to 591.That’s down two from the first quarter, with signs of more to follow as vintners retrench.While many win...


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