Wine Industry News

  • US: Technology from Vine to Wine to Market

    Since 2005, the annual Wine Industry Technology Symposium (WITS) has brought together experts from within and outside the wine business to help growers, wineries and marketers make the most of the newest tools available to them. It’s a moving target, and every year yields valuable insights for bot...
  • California: Sonoma Wine Co. expands in American Canyon

    AMERICAN CANYON — Custom vintner Sonoma Wine Co. is undertaking major upgrades of its south Napa Valley winemaking facility to accommodate more larger-scale clients. City permits are in place, equipment is on order and contractors are lined up. This month and next the work at the winery will be...
  • The Natural Wine Revolution Is Changing How We Drink

    A new generation of wine producers are embracing organic, bio-dynamic, and natural ways of producing their wines—and changing the way we drink.The crowd at the tasting hosted by natural wine importers Jenny & François in the basement of the restaurant Smith on the Lower East Side was unusually yo...
  • Chinese wine market an ‘awakening giant’

    The Chinese are increasingly replacing beer with wine on their dining tables and are learning how to appreciate the taste of wine, said the head of wine for China Simon Tam at auction house Christie’s. The current annual per capita wine consumption in China is a mere 0.35 litres, however the Chin...
  • Vinexpo heads to Bordeaux – but all eyes will be on Asia

    While the world's largest wine industry gathering is being prepared in the French city of Bordeaux, much of the attention at this year's event will be focused on trends emerging on the other side of the globe. This year's Vinexpo will take place June 19-23, and organizers are expecting more than ...
  • The wine business in Gary Vaynerchuk’s blood

    Gary Vaynerchuk’s dad bought a small store to house the Wine Library in Springfield in 1982. Vaynerchuk’s father rebuilt a bigger building for the Wine Library in 1989 and the most recent renovation was done in 2003. Vaynerchuk started getting involved in the family business in 1990 when he w...


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