Wine Industry News

  • Train to Avoid Vineyard Heat Illness

    Davis, Calif.—Despite a summer still limping to achieve its normal stride, California’s wine grape-growing season is expected eventually to warm up. Customary elevated temperatures endanger vineyard workers: A pregnant vineyard laborer died from heat-related causes in 2008. To mitigate this inhe...
  • French and Spanish toast big wine export growth

    A thirst for wine in emerging markets has helped give French and Spanish wine exports a 20 per cent boost in the first three months of 2011. In its quarterly report on the wine market, Rabobank said global wine exports are generally picking up at a “brisk pace” compared to the start of last y...
  • Focus - Growing Pains for Chilean Wine

    Chile's wine industry is facing enforced consolidation due to pressure on wineries' profitability, but the country's longer-term future looks much brighter. Concha y Toro's purchase of Fetzer Vineyards has thrust Chile's wine industry further into the spotlight this year. Amid Australia's bloated...
  • French Insurer Buys Bordeaux Vineyard for $284 Million, FT Says

    Mutuelle d’Assurances du Corps de Sante Francais, a mutually owned insurer serving health-care professionals, is acquiring Chateau Lascombes, one of the biggest Bordeaux vineyards, for 200 million euros ($284 million) from Colony Capital LLC, a U.S. buyout firm, the Financial Times reported, citin...
  • US: New Jersey wineries 'waiting for the ax to fall'

    Local winemakers have been facing uncertainty about the future of their vineyards since December, when a federal court of appeals ruled that it was unconstitutional to allow in-state wineries to sell directly to retailers and in tasting rooms while requiring others to go through wholesalers....
  • US: Washington cabs stand tall against Napa

    Ask almost any sentient wine-guzzling being on the planet where the best American cabs are made and they will immediately bellow "Napa!" This despite the irrefutable fact that Washington has older cabernet vines, a higher percentage of high-scoring wines at lower prices, and a climate more suitable ...


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