Wine Industry News


    (Express) - THERE are few things better than unwinding after a busy day with a glass of wine. Yet how can you tell if you are consuming more alcohol than you should and when does that reliance on a relaxing tipple tip into a booze bonanza? We asked three ordinary British women to keep a diary ...
  • Chinese buy their favourite Bordeaux by the vineyard

    (BBC) - High demand for wine has driven the price up 10% over the past year. With its fairytale turrets and a 15th-Century tower, Chateau Latour Laguens is surrounded by vineyards in a region steeped in European tradition. But this chateau, south-east of Bordeaux, is also at the cutting edge of ...
  • Welcome to the ancient world

    (Jpost) - Israel is part of the Eastern Mediterranean wine-growing region, a region that gave wine culture to the world. Israeli wines are invariably considered to be part of a kosher category. However, this is misleading. There are Israeli wines that are not kosher, and “kosher” is not a count...
  • Pakistan: 12,000 litres of wine seized; 8 arrested

    (Nation) - The district police have arrested two women among eight suspected vintners with huge cache of wine and other intoxicating substance. Conducting a grand on drug pushers, the CIA Okara police arrested five suspects including an ex-councillor. They also seized 12,000 litres of wine hidden u...
  • The most mature wine market in Asia

    (Thedrinksbusiness) - SINCE 2008’S dramatic introduction of zero-rated tax for Hong Kong’s wine and beer imports, the city’s wine trade has undergone an explosive transformation. “There used to be maybe 200 serious wine importers,” says Toby Marion, of US wine specialist Golden Gate Win...
  • US; Napa harvest: Widespread rot fails to dampen spirits

    (Decanter) - Wine producers in Napa are counting the cost of the bizarre weather patterns this year. Many crops have been hit by the double whammy of heavy June rains, six times the average rainfall, which damaged flowers and led to coulure or shatter – the failure of the grapes to develop after f...
  • US: Ohio Wineries Embrace QR Codes

    (Wines&Vines) - Even if you don’t own a Smart Phone, you probably have noticed the little black and white squares that look like a scrambled Rorschach test on packaging, including wine bottles. Known as a QR (Quick Response) code, these two-dimensional barcodes provide fast readability and a large...


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