Wine Industry News

  • Carbonic maceration - A closer look at this winemaking technique

    (Wineanorak) - The wine world is full of terms that people use without quite understanding just what they mean by them. Carbonic maceration is one such term, and in this short piece I’m going to attempt to get to grips with it, without becoming too technical and boring. It’s a method that’s em...
  • Vines and Wines: Trump Winery makes its debut at state wine expo

    (Timesdispatch) - Trump Winery is about to step onto a big stage, the Virginia Wine Expo. The spotlight will be on Virginia wineries in general, but curiosity about the name, not to mention its quality wine, could create a star. Trump will be among 74 wineries pouring their finest at the fifth...
  • Should Sugar be Regulated Just Like Tobacco and Alcohol? ‎

    (Dietsinreview) - 35 million people die each year due to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The major risk factors causing these diseases are tobacco use, alcohol use, and poor diet. Two of these factors are regulated by the government: tobacco and alcohol. Professionals are now arguing that sugar...
  • US: Cheers! Oregon wine symposium has good news

    (Oregonlive) - More than 1,200 vintners, vineyard managers, distributors and vendors will make their way to the Oregon Convention Center this week for the Oregon Wine Industry Symposium. For the most part, what they'll hear is good news: strong sales and predictions of fair weather ahead. There a...
  • Wine Lover: Best Countries for Wine in Latin America

    (FOXNews) - The most popular wines in Latin America come from Argentina, Chile, and of course, Spain. There are, indeed, surprises. Many people who enjoy good wine often defer to others to pick a bottle for a meal or party. The various terms used to describe wine – from wet grass to wet dog as wel...
  • The acid test for wine

    (Montrealgazette) - The same grape can produce two very different textures – crisp or creamy.I was having one of those back and forths on Twitter about whether a bottle of 1917 Burgundy that was brought to a tasting where I was speaking would be “drinkable.” And some dude – you know who y...


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