Wine Industry News

  • Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, Burgundy: Current Releases

    (Vinography) - You don't get very far in a journey towards being a wine lover without hearing the words "Romanée-Conti" spoken with some combination of reverence and amazement. And in today's world of Asian fueled wine-auction speculation, even those with casual interest in wine have heard of this ...
  • US: Vintners shifting grants from Auction Napa Valley

    (Napavalleyregister) - The Napa Valley Vintners organization is putting in place a new strategy to distribute funds raised at Auction Napa Valley, saying it wants to make a more meaningful impact locally. The shift will eliminate housing as one of three main areas of vintner support, as it increa...
  • Learning about wine, one barrel at a time

    (Pressdemocrat) - Extraordinary spring weather turned Sonoma County's Wine Country into a sun-drenched, open-air classroom of sorts Saturday, allowing thousands of people attending the area's annual Barrel Tasting weekend to learn about the region's fine wines and taste those not yet on the market. ...
  • US:CA: Grapevine Moth Quarantine Relief

    (Wines&Vines) - The quarantine for the European grapevine moth (EGVM) will be lifted for four California counties, but the battle continues. Officials announced additional funding of $8 million to continue fighting against the invasive pest. Five-mile “buffer zones” around infested areas also ha...
  • US: Another blessing for Napa

    (NapaValleyRegister) - We all know that our small valley is one of the best places on earth to live, truly an Eden before the fall (mostly). We have wine, food, arts and culture that some large cities might envy. We also have an invaluable, little-recognized asset: an uncommonly cooperative and e...
  • France: The Most Welcoming Wine Region

    (Rendezvous) - Of all the wine regions in France, the Loire Valley, some of whose red wines are featured in my column this week, might be my top choice for wine tourism. For starters, there is plenty to do for those members of a group who don’t get excited by the prospect of standing around in ...


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