The perfect girls' shopping trip includes two friends, one new outfit ... and don't forget two glasses of wine
The perfect girls' shopping trip includes two friends, one new outfit ... and don't forget two glasses of wine
May 28, 2013 6(DailyMail) - The formula for the perfect ‘girls’ shopping trip includes two friends, one new outfit and at least a couple of glasses of wine, according to a new study.
While spending the day in the shops with a friend is a tried-and-tested indulgence for most of us, there are ways to get the most enjoyment out of it, suggests the research.
Women were asked what aspects of a days shopping they especially enjoyed, as well as key ingredients that make up a great day out.
The weather should be dry but not too hot and the best time to start is 10.30am which allows time for both a coffee stop and a boozy lunch.
It found that shopping with two other friends gave the most satisfaction and going with three others was a better choice than just having one other person to shop with.