(Seattlepi) - So many subjects in the world of wine can appear to be complicated. So much so that many consumers tend to ignore all the parlance of wine writers, simply buy what they like and leave the debating and analyzing to the so-called experts. I have to say that I don’t blame them. The wine geeks of the world like myself tend to get a little carried away with our passion. In this regard, the consumer is right in many ways. We should purchase wine because we like it, and not for any other reason. Not because of a score, or because we should like it if we want respect in the wine community. It is really not complicated at all. That being said, I was inspired to think about complexity in wine recently due to the explosion of homogenous malbec being offered in the marketplace. Consumers like malbec! It is still one of the hottest categories in the wine world and looks to continue it’s popularity for some time. I like malbec myself because it is delicious, and in most cases inexpensive. It makes for a great everyday table red that most can afford to drink on a daily basis. It is also very versatile, matching up with a host of foods. However, I have found myself getting bored with many of the offerings in this category. Why? I think a lot of them lack complexity. Before you shut me down, thinking that I am just another writer going on a tangent, I would like to show you that complexity in wine really isn’t a complex subject. Hopefully it will help you understand my boredom with many of the malbec (Not all) on the market.  To illustrate I would like to use hamburger as an example.(No offense to all you vegans out there for whom I have the deepest respect)


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