US: Vote promised next week on privatizing Pa. wine, liquor sales
US: Vote promised next week on privatizing Pa. wine, liquor sales
Jun 8, 2012
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(Philly) - A top House Republican is promising a vote early next week on a revamped bill to privatize the sale of wine and hard liquor in Pennsylvania.
House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R., Allegheny) said through a spokesman on Friday that he expects a vote on a newly crafted privatization plan either on Monday or Tuesday. Gov. Corbett, a privatization supporter, is on board with the new plan, said Turzai spokesman Steve Miskin.
The new plan calls for having 1,600 licenses in Pennsylvania: the first 1,050 of those would be offered to the state's beer distributorships, which under current laws are only allowed to sell beer by the case; the remainder of the licenses would then be auctioned off, on a county-by-county basis, to the highest bidders.