Wine, cigarettes and lots of sex: Billionaire author who advocates parenting the French way sparks anger from U.S. mothers
Wine, cigarettes and lots of sex: Billionaire author who advocates parenting the French way sparks anger from U.S. mothers
May 3, 2012
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(DailyMail) - A billionaire philosopher has endorsed a parenting technique that allows generous time for smoking, drinking wine and having sex.
Elisabeth Badinter, a 68-year-old mother of three who is the 13th richest French citizen according to Forbes, has published a book about parenting the French way.
Now, her controversial methods have sparked anger from U.S. mothers. Titled The Conflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines The Status Of Woman, the book has led many mothers to speak out about how French women who preach about their lives, frustrate them.