Treasury Wine Estates Launches its First Ever Line of Wines Aimed at Millennial Women
Treasury Wine Estates Launches its First Ever Line of Wines Aimed at Millennial Women
Feb 23, 2012
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/PRNewswire/ -- Treasury Wine Estates, a global wine company with a leading portfolio of new world wines, today announced its new stylish, playful "Be." collection. "Be." wines, designed to appeal to the increasingly influential wine demographic of Millennial women, will be available nationwide in four popular varietals: Pink Moscato, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Riesling. The wines begin shipping this month and are expected to hit stores nationwide beginning in April. "Be." will retail between $9.99 and $12.99. This is the latest new product from Treasury Wine Estates which has been aggressively innovating in recent years, and successfully launched new wines including Emma Pearl, Sledgehammer and Beringer Red Moscato.