Sex, lies and vintages: Wine gets the manga treatment

Sex, lies and vintages: Wine gets the manga treatment

(Theglobeandmail) - Decanter, the British-based wine magazine, called The Drops of God “arguably the most influential wine publication.” It has made overnight stars of previously unheralded bottlings (one of them, a 2003 Bordeaux, jumped in price to more than $1,000 from about $25), spun off two television miniseries and is credited with spiking wine sales in Japan by 130 per cent the year it was first published. As if all that wasn’t enough, it is also packed with sex (or intimations of it, at least), dream sequences, battles between good and evil and cliffhangers at the end of every chapter, which is only natural, of course. After all, The Drops of God, released in English for the first time this month, is a comic-book series.


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