Water War: Wine Industry vs. Local Salmon
Water War: Wine Industry vs. Local Salmon
Dec 7, 2010
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The article on a wine industry study on the front page of the Nov. 23 STAR should have been on the opinion page, rather than masquerade as a news article. It is biased against a State Water Resources Control Board proposed regulation that would defend endangered salmon from deadly practices by the wine industry. Follow the money.
The STAR fails to adequately report that current practices by wineries threaten the water supply necessary for the survival of fish.
The article provides only one dismissive paragraph about why the water board wants regulation: "This left some salmonid fish, protected under the Endangered Species Act, without adequate levels." Some wineries illegally divert river, stream, and groundwater to protect their mono-crop from frost. This reduces water levels and kills fish. So much for critical thinking and a balanced report.