Hong Kong Emerges as Asia's Top Wine Destination After Eliminating Wine Import Tax in 2008
Hong Kong Emerges as Asia's Top Wine Destination After Eliminating Wine Import Tax in 2008
Nov 23, 2010
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/PRNewswire/ -- In just two short years, Hong Kong has not only developed a thriving wine culture, it has already been dubbed the "wine capital of Asia" by international wine connoisseurs. Judging from the success of its second annual "Wine & Dine" Festival, where visitors experienced first hand that fine wines and Chinese cuisine make tasty companions, the critics are right.
Embracing the grape with the same passion it brings to all its endeavors, Hong Kong is "the only major economy to grant wine tax-free status," as noted by The Guardian's Tania Branigan who filed her November 16 story ("Hong Kong's cup overflows as Chinese get a taste for high-class wines") from Hong Kong: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/16/hong-kong-china-wine.